Russian Design

To solve this problem used two approaches: the principle of "point contact", or reduction in the area of contact with the metal wall, and the use of different insulating gaskets. Western companies as gaskets using various plastics; Russian campaign is most often used paronity, are effective thermal insulator. Each of these approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. When fixing a point, by virtue of a constructive solution, thermal conductivity is lower, but at the same time is reduced and the load bearing capacity mounting brackets to the wall by increasing the contact area the situation is reversed. 2. Supporting structure (fachwerk) The supporting structure consists profiles of corrosion (aluminum, stainless steel or galvanized steel, alloy rims) or antiseptized tree. Created a wide variety of profiles for different facades (T – shaped, T – shaped, L – shaped, etc.). . Carrier profile design is used in three types: 1.

Horizontal. Is the worst in terms of spatial structure, as a profile in this system operates in bending and torsion. 2. Vertical. The design of the vertical guide profiles the load in compression and tension (a more favorable mode of operation), in addition, this design does not prevent the vertical (main air flow). 3. Combined (combined).

Is the best design. There are two types of combination of substructure: a type – in this system are attached to the body wall of horizontal rails, and to them vertical rails on which to lie down load from tiles. In such a construction is a redistribution of the load and not create obstacles to the vertical air flow, but at the same time combined design of this type of metal and fairly represented in the Russian market while only foreign producers.