German Ministry

The federal student company contest seeking the best young entrepreneurs 2014 on 15 January 2014 will start the voting for the federal student company contest 2014. All real student company from Germany, regardless of which type of school they belong to, can take part in the contest and present their business idea for a broad public. We are looking for nationwide dedicated students, creative business ideas and their independent and successful implementation in short: we are looking for and promote Germany’s entrepreneurs youth. Student company can on federal student-company register for free and with a descriptive profile convince classmates, friends, business partners and other interested persons of their business idea, to get as many votes as possible. The success of all participants is determined daily by the voting on the platform on the Internet. Additional information is available at Nike. By the end of July, the student companies have time to increase the number of votes for their own student company through appropriate self-promotion.

From the 20th century a jury selects the ten nationwide winner, which will be awarded with significant prize money totalling 8,000 EUR then best student company of in Germany. 2013, over 250 student company from all provinces participated in the federal student company contest initiated by the Miller family of corporate media. At the award ceremony in the German Ministry of Economics winners had the opportunity to interact with successful entrepreneurs and representatives from business and politics and socialize. About federal student company contest which is federal student company contest an online competition for all real student company in Germany, regardless of which type of school they belong to. In student company, young people experience economic basic knowledge in theory and practice, they acquire a sense of initiative, responsibility and teamwork. The federal student company contest wants to promote young German entrepreneurs and assist young people, already during the school to press. The project was initiated by the Miller family of companies 2010 media life. Press contact: Tanja Braun corporate Muller media Tel: + 49 911 3409 234 email: