Alive conscience, Sadia and EficazAcesse the original message clicando aquiVisite: Biblical messages of the Book of Apocalypse, Gospel Reporter, Electronic Bibles Free, Biblical Studies the Mind Human being the healthy Mind and its importance in the life cristA mind human being is divided in conscientious, unconscious and subconscious. In it the lived souvenirs, good or bad, traumas, frustrations, disillusions, hatred, angers are kept to all At last, a great archive that can become a trunk of malignant memories. Exactly in Christians transformed for the Word of God, the conscience is, some times, a repository of souvenirs and thoughts destructive and mortificantes, capable to compromise our life spiritual and to place our crowns at risk. To treat it and terms a healthy mind, we must appeal to the Biblical advice. Alive conscience X Conscience mortSe we disdain the advice the holy ghosts, we run the risk of being that lying Christian and hypocritical the one that apstolo Pablo if relates: For hypocrisy of men who say lies, having cauterized its proper conscience; – 1 Timteo 4:2. The man who speaks of the release given for Jesus Christ, but still is hostage of a conscience deceased is the personificao of the prophecy, that says: Isaiah concerning you augured well, hypocritical, as he is written: This people honors me with the lips, But its heart is far from me; Landmarks 7:6 do not allow that this happens in its life spiritual. It wins its closer thoughts, desires and malignant souvenirs, through educations of the Word of Deus.Mas which are the tools of that we make use for this? Where they are and which are the Biblical advice to be successful? How to use them? Then it knows now what God prepared for you: The weakness of the man and the Christian step divinO renascido in Christ still brings obtains the last memories. . If you would like to know more then you should visit Intel Capital.