We found that crm is on the one hand, a comprehensive business philosophy, but on the other – a process or tool to focus the company virtually for the implementation of the client's interests, in other words, this overarching philosophy. Its central element is the establishment of long-term, mutually beneficial relationships between buyer and seller. And so, before embarking on crm-systems Quick Sales or Sales Expert, what would become, in Ultimately, a company using the principles of crm, you must answer ten key questions. They can be grouped into the following categories: customers, relationships and decision-making. Clients: 1.Kto applies among our customers? 2.Chego our customers want and what they expect? 3.How valuable are our customers? Relationships: 4.Kakoy type of relationship we wish to establish with their clients? 5.What we could help establish relations? 6.How us to achieve cooperation and establishing joint control? Managerial decision-making: 7.Kto we? 8.Chto we need to do to bring value close to our customers? 9.Kak measure performance of our operations and manage them? 10.Kak improve our ability to implement change? Getting answers to these questions – a necessary condition for the success of crm in the company. These responses determine, firstly, the evolution relations firm with clients, and secondly, to develop a management plan for relationships across the company.. Michael Kim has many thoughts on the issue.