NPP Gasoline

How to distinguish good from bad fuel? How to define good or bad quality of fuel, without checking the quality of health of your car? Experts argue that the guarantee of high quality fuel is its production at oil refineries (refinery), where all processes are carefully controlled from the Soviet era, and so the concept becomes clear GOST guide in choosing the right plant. Major fuel companies tend to follow this principle, but still sometimes in the pursuit of profit alone can afford to change the quality of gasoline. Make it turned out to be not so difficult – all you need to independent preparation of the product is the availability of its tank farm (where there is a mixture), and special fuel additives. Law is a mix (in the scientific, compounding) is not prohibited, but because all The guest receives the same product does not comply, his mark as a fuel produced by a certain “technical requirements – (TU). High-octane fuel Kompaundirovat factory does not make sense, it does not need this, so Usually such operations are performed with the 80 th or 92 th gasoline, increasing its ‘degree’. So the first rule of car owners when visiting NPP must pay attention (and if necessary, to demand) for a certificate of conformity which is just a clear indication in accordance with what – or GOST TU – produced gasoline that you intend to purchase.

If you do not show it, feel free to leave with this plant and the next six months does not reach it. The second trick can lie in wait at the stage of delivering fuel at nuclear power plants. The fact that this goal can only be used for special vehicles with properly certified “barrels.” The drivers of such cars his entire adult Life moonlight, pouring fuel on the side of the road to nuclear power plants. And that shortage was not evident at the sink in place of the missing good fuel can be flooded with almost any liquid from water to alcohol. The most interesting is that the name of the fuel on board the tanker does not mean anything, because as the car itself with the barrel when it belongs to the third party shipping company and just have some kind of ‘brand’ coloring. Fighting poor quality and already comes from the plant owners. Some fuel companies are tightening now so its quality requirements for gasoline that does not just use some of the other participants in the market for container storage plant fuel, but even grow their own fuel trucks for delivery to their filling stations.