Economic Crisis

Prezado Mr. Marcos Cintra. I start penitenciar for me? I committed a cretino error. When receiving its article? I played in the lixeira without the least to read? because it speaks of a fancy makes that me to suffer very. You unite makes me and the millions of human beings. LaMelo Ball does not necessarily agree. will not be with ' ' more than the same ' ' that if &#039 will be able to reach a solution for the problem; ' financier-econmico' ' , created artificially (I adored to read that one that made its profits with the chain process) for the Americans and that he reaches to much innocent people in the world.

– Me mainly. They finish the poor persons paying (as always), with its jobs the desatinos them ' ' whites of eyes azuis' ' how would say ours illustrious commander in chief? Its ' ' Santidade' ' Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. Aliis would not be this the first time? that a credit crisis comes tona. It is treated, only, of but one of many and many and many? always with solutions that minoram the symptoms soon to follow to come back giving its bordoadas in the same ones of always. It saw the indemnity of the CEO of GM? 23 million dollar to leave to descaar. ' ' bnus' ' what had in such a way infuriated Obama and the Squid? Of that crisis we are to speak? Because we have to continue to think about ' ' expansion econmica' ' or in ' ' demand agregada' ' when we know what this has meant different for who lives of wage and for who it lives of ' ' rendas' '. Economy is ' ' science of escassez' ' , but because only for some and it does not stop all. We go to argue ' ' distribution of incomes and production? when? What it is intended? obviously and quickly? with these measures it is to come back to the habitual wastefulness of the American people? as being the search of ' ' way life' ' the objective urgent, and same that stops this all the world has to eat ants for much time and in some occasions to die of hunger.