National Liturgy Week

Second document: the Encyclical of the Pope John Paul II Ecclesia de Eucharistia.-17 of April 2003. The Encyclical shows harmoniously two realities, two themes of the mystery: the Eucharist and the Church. One and another form a harmonious Symphony, the one without the other can not be understood, between the two there is a causality reciprocal, so that the Church makes the Eucharist, hence, if we do not participate in the Eucharist, the Church, hence is not building the importance of this Eucharistic culture, it is necessary to embody it and express it, giving testimony. Ebay often says this. The document has a double intention, on the one hand the Pope highlights the beauty of the Eucharistic mystery, since we are submerged in a world of numbers, in a world of concrete, and perhaps we can not perceive the beauty of nature, the same people that encloses a great beauty, but that us has to lead to a mystery. On the other hand, the document underlines the shadows that darken and disfigure this mystery.

John Paul II, wants to be the Eucharist held and lived by the Christian community, shine to the mystery in all its splendor. The Church lives and grows with the Eucharist, in consequence if not fully participating in the Eucharist, the Church does not grow and will languish. The third document, in a statement called: Tedemptionis sacramentum.-is a document from the Congregation for divine worship and the discipline of the sacraments, published on March 25, 2004. In the Encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia, at number 52, the Pope regrets arbitrariness and abuses which are committed in the Eucharistic Celebration and requests to prepare a document more specific on this issue. It’s a statement of character, which is not intended to deal with all Eucharistic point of doctrine, but collects current regulations and that they are in the liturgical books, and underlines some aspects that must be observed, and that some abuses in the celebration should be avoided.