Due to the increasing demand for mba education, both among students and among companies in the market, a large number of different programs are offered. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Parnassus Investments. Moreover, among them a wide choice of directions and curriculum. – Forms Training – Currently, worldwide there are five most common forms of learning mba programme: 1.Distantsionnoe training. Distance learning mba program is most often carried out via the Internet. Although, in areas where Internet access is limited, can be used and other media technologies. 2.Executive mba. Executive mba rather not talking about the form of training, but about targeting specific audiences. For even more details, read what Vlad Doronin says on the issue.
Usually held in the emba program intensive mode in the format of short modules (typically 1-2 weeks). At this time students attend classes at the university, its affiliates or other specified locations. 3. “Flexible” mba program. This mba program allows students choose the courses that are required for those interested in its direction mba. In the U.S. there are only a few such programs, and this approach to teaching is developing slower than other mba programs.
4.Ochnoe training. Full-time mba program is intended for students who want to fully concentrate on their studies and not combine it with work. Most often, full-time training takes place on campus. 5.Zaochnoe training. Absent mba program lasts three years or more and held on the campus or its affiliate. Study in 2007, dedicated to “general trends of demand, showed the following ratings of programs: (1) Absent obuchenie46% Distance obuchenie43% Executive MBA40% 36% Full-time studies “Flexible” mba Program 18% as compared to other programs significantly increased the demand for part-time and distance learning.