I must confess that by hours, one became a task that comenzo to rob the thought to me long before beginning to write, and good: after as much thinking I have arrived at the healthy clonclusin that this first article must be so natural and interesting as the rest of the articles that will be arising in this one space! I am graphical designer and today I am undergoing the same sensation that I have when being developing some design: when beginning to work the unique thing that I know it is that I want that it is the best design! The same happens now while I write: whichever lines the only thing will not take, that I know, is that I want is as useful as the rest of articles that will be arising in this space. Today I want to begin my blog compartiendote a memory: It seems that it was yesterday, those first days in which I saw myself clicking of here for there. ” My mouse was my companion of viaje”. , Surely it passed or you to you this happening: Businesses by Internet, are a subject that arrives with only a few click! And in serious I believe that we can spend whole days without rising to us of our chair, and the information would not have aim. Others who may share this opinion include Prudential. For this reason, today I want to share with you the conclusion at who it arrives when suddenly I was myself soaked of the subject of businesses by Internet. I had a parade of thoughts in my mind. Without giving account it had begun to fill me to me of information on the subject, and. in himself the subject seemed to me somewhat spectacular..