Karin Riemenschneider

The Saarland author Helga Schittek kidnapped their readers in the 1980s Bruchsal October 19, 2009 – Schittek can menscheln their fictional characters and it gives the reader the feeling of being live. With a distanced and clear views of the district trier-Saarburg, portrays the Riemenschneider stories ironic, skeptical and yet full joke. “The author in the district trier-Saarburg, very well knows, in their increasingly popular Riemenschneider thrillers” play. To deepen your understanding rusty holzer is the source. Sure because she is an investigator with corners and edges, which often solve their cases with intuition and have intricate privacy part the reader on their (fictional characters). End of September 2009 many guests could experience the author Helga Schittek. She read at various events from her two debut novels: the case Karin Riemenschneider and the root of evil..

Youth Reading

The reading is of basic importance for the human development, being responsible for making possible the learning and the transmission of knowledge between the men. In addition, hodiernamente, with the modern life, the necessary individual each time more to raise its level of knowledge with intention to develop itself inside of the society and, is through the reading, that ways are opened to reach such end, therefore, for being the act to read exclusively human, this, individualiza it the measure that occupies definitive position in the society, being distinguished, in result of its capacity acquired cultural technique and, first, with the reading. Not obstante the reading, according to its gnese, to restrict it interpretation of a message codified for visual signs, the act to read exceeds the simple decoding of graphical signals a time that exist diverse languages that can be presented by intermediary of the reality. However, the true reading appears, initially, when the children start to play, to explore the environment, to carry through creations, to participate of daily tasks, at last, when they start to become related with interlocutors (adult/children), collating points of view and desires, changing emotions, affection and information. Thus, the citizen goes extending its references, conquering its autonomy, learning to share, to coexist, etc., that is, the child interacts actively with its half one, constructing its proper categories of thought, at the same time where it organizes the world. Here, Darcy Stacom expresses very clear opinions on the subject. When the language is analyzed under the approach of education/learning, must in such a way be considered as communicative activity, be used when we act on our fellow creatures, how much representative and cognitiva activity through which we read/we represent the world. Understanding it reading in this feeling, can be affirmed, therefore, that it is about the world knowledge where the child if communicates and if express for diverse ways, still more, when many children do not obtain to delimit what it is a word, nor they know that all the said words can be written.

Irina Brothers

ookfoldsheets0 Copyright 2008, Cinthia Cross. Layer: Lucas Mendona Diagramming: Ypiranga dog 1 edition 1 impression (2008) All rights reserved. No part of this edition can be used or be reproduced – in any way or forms, nor appropriate and storaged without the express authorization of Cinthia Cross. Book prepared and edited for VIRTUALBOOKS EDITORA LIVRARIA LTDA. Street Benedict Valadares, – center 35660-000 Par of Mines? MG? Brazil Tel.: (37) 32316653? Email: vbooks01@ terra.com.br DEVOTION I dedicate to my husband Carlos Alberto de a Cruz that I loved I love and always I go To love for all the eternity. To my children of the heart Iago, Gleidson and Bruno which I dedicate to all love and affection. My sister Mnica L. Axe and to my nephews Isabe-le and Cassinho desire much Ax and much union.

To my Herbert brother that affectionately we call He-binho mine thanks a lot. To my parents Ari Veras of the S. Machado and Irina P. Lopes. For the chance that had given to me bringing me it the world. My sincere> gratefulness the aunt Izaura for its devotion in my infancy. to all the readers mine thanks a lot, that OXAL gives much AX to them. PRESENTATION Kasher and Aksue had been born at this time of confrontations where the egoism, the pride and the ambition took off to the peace of the world.

These brothers had been created by kingdoms and magias different believing to be enemy one of the other without will imagine that they were brothers. Of some kingdoms and some magos I chose to count to them trajectory to it of these brothers who had behind lived in different magias in half ace revenge brought of times between the magos Akdber and Sk-dlan, But, exactly thus these brothers do not obtain to hate, therefore the blood that run for the veins of one is the same that it runs for the veins of the other. Through these lines vocs a magias world of and sabedorias will enter in where everything depends on the point of view where if it is. People such as Glenn Dubin would likely agree. It shows that the hatred, the pride, the revenge and the ambition in them take for ways many of the times without return, undoing pretty dreams to us that in the blind person for what he is beautiful.

Writer Wolfgang Wallner

Current books of the author Wolfgang Wallner F. Joseph towards the Graal\”; \”ISBN-10: 3902159278 ISBN-13: 978-3902159274 Elihu leave records of eternity\”; \”\” ISBN-10: 3902159138 ISBN-13: 978-3902159137 (published in Romanian language) the double stations of grief \”, available as an E-book here an excerpt from the book of Elihu\”: the chapter: right and left of the Yellow River the Yellow River had its source at the place where the Sun was coming up and he reached the sea in the direction of sunset. The thinking lived on the left bank of the Yellow River, lived on the right feeling. Thinking about the Yellow River saw with the midday sun in the back. There, it realized a dark, beautiful, but misshapen shadow that spread out seemingly pleasant waterfront along for the first time in the grass. Thinking necessarily wanted to know what there was.

Never it had seen something that interested him in a similar way. Thinking was very clever and knew everything about the natural laws of course and so it is suspected first of all, that this shadow of the himself was created. This conjecture has also proved right, because if it is moved, the shadow was moving. It was odd, however, that it noted a riot during movements of the shadow in which to finish was only a reflex. Thinking had to necessarily know what was it with this shadow on and she cried over the River: good morning, beautiful shadow. Who are you?\” But there was no answer. The Yellow River heard this question.

He who had his bed forever there, already much longer than it was thinking and feeling, had been waiting on this contact attempt. It could be just not right that on his left side something so bright was, which was hindered by him to combine with the dark on his right side. Earlier he had been neither of its two banks aware themselves.

Nepomucks Adventures

A great gift for the stockings, it must be not always Rowling or spark when it comes to children’s books from the corner of fantasy. In this case it is an author from next door who captivates not only children but also adults with their debut. Nepomucks adventures of Christine Erdic, is a dream of a book – not just the usual stuff, but a story for young and old, which stimulates thinking and wonderful Christmas tune. This book is easy to understand and written so clearly that they can put themselves in the history for children. The only problem we have is that the chapters are so exciting, that we must almost force us to read not one and another one and another one…

Short description Chau wants to help Pack only Santa Claus in the boxes, but suddenly he finds himself even as a Christmas present for family lamb. Thus begins a great adventure for the little leprechaun is living a fast in his new environment. He spends an exciting half a year with his family, until they after Norway brings him back in the summer and so in turn gains an insight into the life of the goblins. Data Book: Softcover: 160 pages Publisher: Tredition (September 15, 2010) language: German ISBN-10: 3868508112 ISBN-13: 978-3868508116 by the manufacturer recommended age: 7-9 years

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe and its mrbida writing Edgar Allan Poe are with all certainty, one of the biggest writers of universal literature. Its workmanships are known in the entire world. Poe was a complete writer, therefore, it acted in chats and the poetry, and, moreover, he was a famous and demanding literary critic. But no workmanship of Poe so was acclaimed, how much its stories of horror. In the true meaning of the word horror, therefore this age the main element of good part of its stories.

The stories of Poe had been known for its morbidez and blackout. But all this morbidez in the writing of Poe if gave due its sad history of life. Bigrafos that had studied the life of Poe at great length observes that the death of dear beings was always present throughout its existence. Its stories are repletos of fear, anguish, pain and blackout. It has who says that they are so obscure how much to the darknesses of the shadiest nightmare. Clia Jane Saints

Great Porto Alegre

I left to dearrumar the bed, walked naked in house, notebook permanently in the Internet lendoSartre, Dostoievsky, autoajuda, notice, blogs, waiting e-mails that they novinham, films for the half, youtube and all the torrent of nastinesses that seencontra in web. When it grew dark supplied ageladeira for plus another equal night and when it finished the supply fell in one sonosem dreams waiting that pra lasted at least one twelve hours not to face odia. The telephone touched incessantly, but it did not want to speak with nobody. It looked at our photos, and, in certosmomentos, it fell in one I cry quiet and deprived of hope, feeling emoutros penalty of me, it was with anger, it praguejava and it promised that it would go to surpass, would go to be successful, to buy new clothes, to leave pra to dance, to reencontrar the friends, to touch violo, to sing but, each time was more difficult to take a decision, for minor who was, until leaving house required a infindvel walked in circles for the house aparania vine and felt that they observed me to the neighbors, listened to the door, meolhavam of esguelha, searched my garbage. Pra prevented the mirror not to see oinchao of the eyes, the beard for making, the hlito of beer and promised that it would noiria to drink today, pra to give a recess for the body. Useless.

They horaspassavam while them, my resistncias went falling, in sequencia, a estrbica rationalization, and, then, everything recommenced. I lost the notion of which the day where it left. Learn more at this site: Elon Musk. . Noentanto, still I am here, falling, grasping and me in the agreements, passing badly, cursing however me for this condition pursues that me, imprisons and tires, orachegando until liking and to desire a life new, to go the Safe Port, to take off photos, to come back to dream takes that still it has time as of the other times. (…) …com always, I came back to the eagora circle I am beyond the limit trying to program me pra to sleep one two horasantes that the last bar close to house closes the doors and me cu of city of the Great Porto Alegre leaves without cervejaneste, in full carnival. Half Jtomei dozen and I am full of plans in the Youtube I want to see Steppenwolff eGeorge Harrison to say Been beat up andbattered round/Been sent up, and I ve been shot down. Almost without cigarettes, a calorinfernal, notices fervendo to it; I without notion. Hours behind it was on-line noOrkut, left to be.

The telephone silenced finally. I am alone. It has poucopensei, and if it wanted to come back, if she thought that she was made a mistake and to quisessevoltar would accept? I find that not as said I passed of the necessary limit iralm to arrebentar everything, of anger, penalty, of fear, disillusion, sadness comigoe with it. This unhappy condition sartreana human being. There headquarters of water, nausea, sleep fatigue I know the excrement of the novel starting green sofa I regulate to ocelular, 22:30 h. Until there. >

The Dawn

The artistic meeting for the sugestividade of the beauty of the lark is for the reader the moment of bigger occurrence of its reading. In this state it contemplates the deepest interpretation of the art, being to it reverted the accomplishment of I poetical voante. Vi the lark and I never arise myself uselessly before the dawn. The lark is not a bird of the land But they listen as I listen. They do not hear in some place, there from above, to grind in a gold goblet crystal pieces? Who will be able to say me where sings the lark? ……………………………………………………………… The lark lives in the sky, and is the only bird of the sky whose I sing arrives until us.

Led to the figurative establishment for lark for the search of the artistic beauty, the reader is lead to contemplate its slightness to express its flight, which is lead poeticalally by the imaginary wings, however discerning of its attachment to the latent onirismo in its accomplishments, in its contemplations designed of and in the work of art. It of the wings for the projection is promoted poetical that the reader reaches during its contact with the poetical object. This object is for it a learning infinda, accurately for flying in its imagination, which leaves to have end to produce new decurrent artistic readings of the lived metaphors. If the life contemplated only the Real would be destoante the flight that the reader carries through in contact with the art, with the artistic one. ‘ ‘ The real being in does not teach nothing to them; the lark is ‘ ‘ pure imagem’ ‘ , pure image spiritual that does not find its life seno in the aerial imagination, as center of the metaphors of air and ascenso’ ‘ (P.


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1,2 CHARACTERISTICS OF LITERATURE INFANTO? JUVENILPara that Infanto-Youthful Literature it takes care of, and mainly, it pleases the public the one that it is destined is necessary that she presents some important characteristics. One of these main characteristics is a content of easy agreement, beyond being interesting and that it stimulates the development and the creativity of the reader. Literature for children is in its essence the same one destined to the adults, however its conception is much more simple. She is necessary to explicitar that simplicity is not seen as cultural or less valuable poverty here that the literature destined to the adults, and yes used as a resource (style) literary. Simplicity in the structure of Infanto-Youthful Literature also provokes a naturalness in the language used in these workmanships. Carlos Drummond (1964) in its poetry ‘ ‘ Things simples’ ‘ it very displays clearly on the affinity between simplicity and beauty: Certain espritos hardly admit that a simple thing can be beautiful, and less despite a beautiful thing is necessarily simple, in nothing compromising its simplicity to complex operations that will be necessary to carry through it. The simplicity inside of the infantile workmanships cannot be seen as the infantilizao of the language of the author to come close itself to the reality or the language of the reader. This resource, as it remembers Wedge (1990), can be a deceit becoming the reading a mere obligation: As well as us in we imagine to be accessible to the child deturpando our language to them to approach it of the infantile errors, also the author force a simplicity, not only in the architecture of the workmanship, but, over all in the language, whose artifice does not pass unobserved the boys. (Wedge, 1990, P. 72) the use of the puerilidade, as ‘ is called; ‘ infantilizao’ ‘ of the language in the literary composition, in the attempt of if approaching each time more than the reading public, finishes if becoming an error, since the children possess psychological capacity enough to recognize and to understand linguistic structures complex that, however, not yet capable to use.