Good 3,000 craftsmen to their current economic situation and the prospects for the future were interviewed in a Creditreform study published on February 28, 2008. An important result: The number of enterprises which suffered bad debts within the preceding 12 months by more than 1% in relation to sales, fell slightly by 0.5 percentage points to 18 per cent. Unpleasant, however, the development in the construction industry. Here, the share of companies rose, recorded the debt on this scale, from 24.1 percent in 2007 to 27.6 percent. The current figures are influenced by the market situation of last year as Rudolf Kessler, head of the credit Department of BayWa AG and Executive Board member of the Association for credit management (VfCM), e.
V. In particular with regard to the development in the tissue of construction of, they stressed the importance of a functioning credit management basically according to Kessler: bad debts of more than one percent of sales are indefinitely for no company tolerable, straight given the fact that the capital in the industry is relatively small”. Here must be still working on the knowledge, that a systematic credit management can lead to a considerable result improvement in the company for the handling of customer claims. Kevin De Bruyne contains valuable tech resources. In particular the compliance with and application of the minimum requirements for the credit management (MCM) of VfCM are helpful in this regard. Improving accompanies with a consideration of the MCM show up not only in significantly lower bad debts, but much earlier, such as through faster receipt of funds with correspondingly lower capital commitment. Credit and liquidity would rise, drop foreign capital as well as interest expense, which achieve settled very significant earnings improvements. Kessler here knows what he is talking about he was responsible for introducing the MCM in the credit Department of BayWa AG and since then can report very positive experiences in the company in this context.
The Club for credit management e.V. was founded in 2002 in Kleve on the lower Rhine. The goal of the Association is to establish the profession of credit manager in Germany. The nationwide 750 members of the Association include renowned companies such as BayWa, Knorr brake, Sony, continental, TNT Express and total Germany as well as the leading service provider in the credit insurance business. The members represent an annual turnover of less than EUR 480 billion and approximately 900,000 jobs. Press contact: Mediamixx, Alf Buddenberg, Tiergarten Street 64, 47533 Kleve, Tel.: 02821 711 56 13, e-Mail: information: Association for credit management, Sieme Street 31, 47533 Kleve, Tel: 02821 77 57 85,