Conflicts can be defined based on the effects it produces in an organization. Under this point of view conflicts can be functional (is a confrontation between groups that is positive for the performance of the Organization) and dysfunctional (is any confrontation or interaction between groups is detrimental to the organization or prevents this to attain its objectives). Attitudes, values and styles of the people are the determinants for the positive or negative outcome of the conflict. The conflict involves objectively the affective and cognitive world of the man, and is gaining ground in its projections and occupational and individual expectations is necessary that each person perform a self-analysis since the first thing we need to know to avoid fights is that our behavior in the Office is a mirror of what we are out including prejudices. Having said that, the psychologist at Deloitte & Touche, Andrea Soto, ensures that if each one is autoanaliza and discover by which side gets bad, the friction between co-workers could be reduced to a minimum.
All levels of conflict (Intrapersonales, Interpersonales, Intragrupales and Intergrupales) are affected in some way by the system of individual perceptions. The proper management of conflict situations (conflict management) leads to promote organizational climate and work from assertive styles and results of cooperation operated. Take into account that CITES Wikipedia that labour disputes are of a different nature depending on the working conditions have deteriorated. A labour dispute is the dispute of right or interest arising between employers and employees. The solution of labour conflicts takes place after negotiations between representatives of employers and trade union representatives of the workers and if there is no agreement involves appropriate mediation bodies.
In most bitter labour disputes cases workers are eligible for declared in strike and employers to implement the so-called lockout. Management should remain very attentive to the emergence of conflicts and seek ways to irradicarlos, analyzing its causes which originates it, taking into account that this has resulted in non-productivity, costs, insastifaccion prejudice towards the objectives set by the company bibliography Chalvin, Dominique and Eyssette, Francois. How to resolve small conflicts at work. Barcelona: Ed. Deusto, 1992. . Chair of organizational behavior.