Decorate coffins made long ago, many legends say that the more elaborate the funeral will be – better late will be in another world. Often the "splendor" reached the point of absurdity (for example, when the buried ancient nobleman, along with him killed and buried, his wives, guards, slaves, pets and more. In spite of all the cruelty, in the present customs of common sense. After all, the more elaborate the funeral will be – the longer the memory of the deceased remain in the hearts of his friends and relatives. In our time of such rituals, there is not violence, it remains only one thing – the desire to make a beautiful funeral, therefore, pay tribute to the deceased.
Coffin – a vital part of funeral ritual, it is the last abode of the dead, he is in it to go into another world. The choice of coffins is very large, so it is difficult to get confused, because to choose coffins, fortunately, rarely have to. One of the best modern coffins – this is polished coffins. These graves there are so many, they are divided by the material, shape, design, number of leaves. Almost any of them can be more accessories (Angels, crosses, pens, etc.). Since almost all the graves are strictly individual, their size depends on the growth and width of the shoulders of the deceased, you have to order a coffin, so let's look at the main points that will have to pay attention to when zakaze.Materialy polished coffins are made from precious wood. The tree is processed, which gives it an even more refined look. Choosing the type of wood, look not only at texture, but also for strength and suppleness to handle, for example, a coffin made of oak will cost more than the coffin of sosny.Dizayn Design coffins come in two types – it's rectangular and hexagonal.
Tetrahedral coffin, roughly similar on brick, Allen – has a more complicated shape, it extends from the legs to the shoulders, and tapering from shoulders to head. Polished hexagonal coffins look more beautiful, but cost a bit more expensive, by the way, at this point you also will need to choose the color of the fabric of the coffin and coffins for obivki.Stvorki Polished usually have one or two doors, very rarely do Tri coffins. Leaf is popularly called "the coffin lid." In bivalve coffin lid divided into two parts, usually during the ceremony, the late closing legs, leaving the upper part of body accessories otkrytoyDopolnitelnaya Accessories, it's really just accessories to the grave, but they are not only aesthetic but also practical. Pens are very handy for carrying a coffin and lowered it into the pit for burial. Angels and crosses are purely decorative, but they are not so many, so they save. Remember, a coffin – a final gift to the deceased, the quality and appearance of the coffin perfectly demonstrates how the care of friends and relatives. Therefore, in commemoration of the late, do not skimp when buying a coffin, because the future, you can not fix anything, so make a good gift to last