The Hope Not Dies

Some years ago, in Rio de Janeiro, I heard a young man say on television that hope had died. I’m not a poet. Wendy Sherry understood the implications. But I took a pen and dare write these simple verses, then music by master Vanderlei Alves Pereira: La Esperanzano dies never! ever! does not die, not!Then, like life, is eternal, mother as fraternal, can die?No, not muerenunca! doesn’t die, no, hope for the heart! With certainty, such expectation still holds the hearts of many Angolan children. A diplomat, known by my colleague of Ecumenical ideal, Jose Santiago Naud, co-founder of the University of Brasilia, could appreciate them in her innocent joy, despite the war that bloodied the homeland from Agostinho Neto (1922-1979), for nearly thirty years. On the return from your trip, the friend told me that in the interior, near Luanda, once saw, touched, a group of a hundred of them, singing in his poorly paid lathe teacher who danced: if I could volabaal find peace, leaving this war, stood next to peace.

Freedom and hope are two feelings to which the human being not can lend hand. Jayme Albin – NYC is often mentioned in discussions such as these. However, should know honoring the first to be awarded permanent second. Nobody imprisons the spirit of a free man. That say it Gandhi (1868-1948), who wrote many of his most beautiful and decisive pages while he suffered arrests, in the struggle for the liberation of the Hindus. Original author and source of the article

Secrets Revealed About The Change Of Calories

There is much misinformation giving turns out there about the change in calories, so I want to clarify things until people quit and cause serious damage to your health. The fact is that this is a novel and very effective way to go by weight loss, since it prevents most of the major pitfalls of other diets. MetLife insists that this is the case. That said, if you do well, actually it can be gaining much weight. At the end of this report, you will know exactly how to change the calories correctly to lose excess fat! The correct way to change the calories most people would call calories in a diet change, but is not actually dying of hunger as well as any other diet you will find out there. In fact, using this method really you’ll be able to enjoy the sweets and eat a normal amount, without feeling that you’re depriving consistently. The reason why most diets don’t work is that they kill us hunger, processes homeostatic our body goes into operation and will reduce our metabolism, so you end up using less energy and therefore, you burn less fat. This is the reason why the most radical diets give results initially, to then gain weight rapidly.

The beauty about the change in calories is that you can still eat all your favorite foods, is only a matter of time. The correct way of doing this is to establish a basis for your first body, for example, if you are eating roughly 1800 calories of food daily, then you must keep this intake of one or two weeks for your body to get used to metabolize this amount of food. Once you’ve established the baseline, then is the time to change the calories change consists of vary food intake every day so that your body does not establesca a new baseline and metabolize fats in their place. This is achieved by a low consumption of a period, and then a high consumption the next period, without leaving toggle your constant consumption deceive your body metabolize fat without reducing the burn speed in time. The change in calories can be harmful if you do well, so I’m going to show how to do it step by step to obtain lasting results! Visit how to lose belly in a healthy way


Decorate coffins made long ago, many legends say that the more elaborate the funeral will be – better late will be in another world. Often the "splendor" reached the point of absurdity (for example, when the buried ancient nobleman, along with him killed and buried, his wives, guards, slaves, pets and more. In spite of all the cruelty, in the present customs of common sense. After all, the more elaborate the funeral will be – the longer the memory of the deceased remain in the hearts of his friends and relatives. In our time of such rituals, there is not violence, it remains only one thing – the desire to make a beautiful funeral, therefore, pay tribute to the deceased.

Coffin – a vital part of funeral ritual, it is the last abode of the dead, he is in it to go into another world. The choice of coffins is very large, so it is difficult to get confused, because to choose coffins, fortunately, rarely have to. One of the best modern coffins – this is polished coffins. These graves there are so many, they are divided by the material, shape, design, number of leaves. Almost any of them can be more accessories (Angels, crosses, pens, etc.). Since almost all the graves are strictly individual, their size depends on the growth and width of the shoulders of the deceased, you have to order a coffin, so let's look at the main points that will have to pay attention to when zakaze.Materialy polished coffins are made from precious wood. The tree is processed, which gives it an even more refined look. Choosing the type of wood, look not only at texture, but also for strength and suppleness to handle, for example, a coffin made of oak will cost more than the coffin of sosny.Dizayn Design coffins come in two types – it's rectangular and hexagonal.

Tetrahedral coffin, roughly similar on brick, Allen – has a more complicated shape, it extends from the legs to the shoulders, and tapering from shoulders to head. Polished hexagonal coffins look more beautiful, but cost a bit more expensive, by the way, at this point you also will need to choose the color of the fabric of the coffin and coffins for obivki.Stvorki Polished usually have one or two doors, very rarely do Tri coffins. Leaf is popularly called "the coffin lid." In bivalve coffin lid divided into two parts, usually during the ceremony, the late closing legs, leaving the upper part of body accessories otkrytoyDopolnitelnaya Accessories, it's really just accessories to the grave, but they are not only aesthetic but also practical. Pens are very handy for carrying a coffin and lowered it into the pit for burial. Angels and crosses are purely decorative, but they are not so many, so they save. Remember, a coffin – a final gift to the deceased, the quality and appearance of the coffin perfectly demonstrates how the care of friends and relatives. Therefore, in commemoration of the late, do not skimp when buying a coffin, because the future, you can not fix anything, so make a good gift to last

Build Systems

Each year, more and more open shops, kiosks, supermarkets, retail chains worldwide. According to statistics, more than 85% of stores have surveillance organization for the safety and security products. Back in the 90s. product's was behind the counter, and it could take only the buyer through the seller, it is not so had to install a video surveillance system for the store. Now the problem is turned over, the buyer comes in the trade room and can take a product that will pay at checkout, or blow over by her, that's why you need to install video surveillance in the store. The video surveillance system at the store will help us to observe in real time and in the archive, what is happening on the trading floor.

Can prevent theft, fraud, theft, property damage, as well as control personnel. To organize the video for the store, we first need to divide the object on land, the zone Surveillance – offices, departments (vegetables, spirits, household it.d.). For each area, highlight areas that need to fix the CCTV cameras, like staff, product showcase. It is desirable that would cover the entire perimeter of the cameras, for ease of monitoring facilities and fixing every movement, even the transfer of goods, movement of bags. Which camera CCTV choose to do this? Of course high resolution, preferably with the lens tucked under certain angle. Color cameras allow us to share and color, orientation of certain objects in "crowd." Rotating the camera with ZOOM 10-30 times in the surveillance system will help to store easily watch one man in the movement, zoom in or out focus cameras. Surveillance for Store helps to crimes committed on the territory of the store, as well as to the adjacent territory.

In the shop we can face theft, pickpockets, swindlers. For the territory – on the street, car theft customers, damaging auto client, theft from the cabin, car accident. Also, if a glass partition store in a fight, disorderly conduct, alcohol intoxication, has a "properties" break. With the help of CCTV in the shop, we can easily take pictures of suspicious people, thieves, for the subsequent ban to enter the territory. It is also not a few cases when it was in the store video surveillance system to identify criminals and detained by security or police. To organize the video store will require an operator who monitors what is happening in the store and if it finds violations of passes on the radio protection, to take action. In the case of a large number of CCTV cameras in the store, take a few operators are typically used for one person department, or more. Protection which is on the territory, in the hall, can not see everything, but operator sees the actions the buyer, even in a department where he alone. Around the world, installed video surveillance system not only in buildings, and on the street that makes the city safer. When assembling systems majority of the directors, managers pay attention not only security but also the price for video store, because you can even build an inexpensive and effective video surveillance system for the store, which will be enough for this object.