The LINKING OF the CLIMATIC TYPES WITH the VEGETAL FORMATIONS IN BRAZIL Observing the two maps shown in (figures 1 and 2), we can verify the influence that the main climatic types of Brazil, exerts on the diverse vegetal formations (Biomas) of Brazil. MAP 1 Source: MAP 2 Source: The regions with predominance of the equatorial climate that if extend for all the region north of Brazil, of certain form are determinative for the configuration of the Amazonian forest. The tropical climate encloses since the pantanal, passing for the center-west if directing for the northeast region. The tropical climate propitiates the formation of the open pasture and the pantanal. Half-barren in turn the influence in the formation of caatinga in the interior of the northeast region. Already the littoral tropical climate favors the formation of the vegetations that if they locate in the littoral regions. The tropical climate of altitude is preponderant in the formation of the Atlantic bush.
finally, situated subtropical climate more to the Southeast of Brazil, is decisive in the found vegetal formations in this region, namely: bushes of araucrias, Pampas or fields sulinos.REFERNCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICASMENDONA, Francisco. OLIVEIRA, Ines M.D. climatologia: basic slight knowledge and climates of Brazil. So Paulo: Workshop of Texts, 2007.